Hubby knew how much I have been looking forward to attending the yearly convocation event of my former work place. Even though my hubby and I have to be in KLIA the day before this year convo, I pleaded with him to rush home the same day if I am invited. I tried out a few outfits and asked his opinion about the suitability. Is it too tight? Is it too bright? I recalled catching up on old times with the servicing friends as well as those pensioned ones. The laughters that we shared filled up the entire rest room.....As the date (as informed by an ex colleague) drew near and no sign of the invitation card, I became anxious. Could the card have gone astray. If so, the person in charge would group me among those who do not reply to the invitation as required in the card. I'm not that type and don't intend to be misunderstood as one. Numerous trips to the post office to check the mail box made me feel rather silly. So what should I do ? I even seek guidance in my solats.
Day before we left for KL, I called K asking him to check the list of invitation for me. I gave the reason as mentioned. Softly, I reminded him to check out quietly. Takut orang kata,"Hidung tak mancung, pipi ter....." Baik punya budak, he went and asked the lady in charge directly and called me the next day. "Tahun ni dia orang tak jemput akak dan pensyarah2 yg bersara........" Well, disappointing as it can be, at least there was a closure for me. I told hubby, " Bang,dia orang dah cerai saya talak tiga!" That is the ending to another chapter in my life. Life goes on...