7.35am Wednesday 31 December 2014
Again I am confirmed guilty of being a year beginning and year end blogger.!.!.!
There is too much anger, hatred, pain, anguish and suffering that dotted 2014.
Home front, we have,
- The disappearance of MH370. It has been 280 days..
- The shooting down of MH17. After 170th days, the perpetrators are still free....
- The unprecedented flooding of East coast states, Kelantan, Trengganu n Pahang and Perak......
Which displaced almost 200k people, killed 24 n left certain areas like the aftermath of tsunami.
- The unending cyber fights that resorts to ugly, unmoral dan most time despicable outburst...
International front, we have,
- The sinking of the Korean ferry.
- The earthquake in Bohol and the onslaught of typoon Yolanda on central Phillipines
- The genocide in Palestine.
- The merciless killings in many parts of the world... Syria, Myanmar, Pakistan....
- The crashing of Air Asia Indonesia QZ8501 on Sunday 28 December
- The uncertainty of the world Economy.......
As of this moment, I can't think of any joyous events...... Except my happy times with my family...Such as
- Chinese New Year celebration with my parents, siblings n their families... Visiting my elders in my birth kampung.
- A visit to my sister n her family in Auckland with my other sister from Salado, Texas. We had a great time n took lots of pictures
- The Hari Raya Aidil Fitri n Aidil Adha. For this year, these two occasions were less merry because of the passing of my mother-in-laws.
- The Cuti-cuti Malaysia to Sabah, Sarawak and Langkawi.
- A surprise short visit from my sister n her hubby from Salado right before the big flood....
I thank Allah SWT for my happy momemts n I redha with the unhappy ones....
And hope to cross over to 2015 with a full recovery for my right knee from injury sustained in the fall from a ladder 1 n 1/2 month ago which left me unable to walk properly. Thus, reduced the quality in my daily activities.....
I pray 2015 will bring more peace n harmony to the world at large n to my beloved homeland.
Lastly, may my family n I be blessed with all the goodness in life... Ameen