11.27pm Sunday 31 December 2017
How surprised I am to enter my own blog for the 1st time in 2017 !!!
Too preoccupied with personal problems lately that I kept procrastinating updating my blog time n time again until a few minutes ago...
Panic strickened because I have forgotten how to write a new post. 😱😱😱
Daughter said, " Ma, you have to sign in first"... Again, frantically searching for the password...
Syukur Alhamdullah, back in business...🤗🤗🤗
So, where do I begin ? Maybe the good, the bad and the ugly should be the guideline.
The Good :
Syukur Alhamdulillah. I am still allowed to breath on this earth. I still have my beloved family to cherish through thick n thin...😍😍😍.
In this golden age, I am able to do as I please within my own space. Spending time with my beautiful hibiscus, orchids, geese, cats n fishes.
The Bad :
Suddenly, in the 2nd half of 2017, I am faced with the reality that both my parents have become senile.... Unable to be left on their own... They need supervision 24/7. The schdule that I helped to set up where the 9 siblings take turn to take care of their wellfare seems inadequate...
The Ugly:
The one thing that I considered the most ugly of 2017 is the politiccal situation in My beloved Malaysia