Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Good morning 2020

0818 Wednesday January 2020

Good morning 2020,
Good morning world,
Good morning everybody❤πŸ˜»πŸ•Ά

Not exactly feeling that good due to lack of sleep I guess...
After solat, did a little limbering up. Feel much better.😎
Syukur Alhamdulillah
Still blessed to breath the air in the year 2020, another decade...

No big deal, said some.
Saw some remarks on fb. One said, his new year starts with 1 Muharam, another said his starts on 25 January 2020
Being a Malaysian, I celebrate all......

Looking forward to have lunch with my beloved family at an Arab restaurant in SP today.... A beearly treat to celebrate my first born's birthday. Beearly because tomorrow, 02.01.2020 is the 1st day of school year 2020 for my grandson, his son, Haj.😁
Syukur Alhamdulillah, really happy to see that my son is looking leaner. He has been doing a lot of brisk walking.... But I am not being heΔΊpful.
Last night, just handed him a giant goody bag from the kampung-a pkt of durian, sambal goreng,  roti jala, bergedil n instant cereal with brown rice packet drink.πŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜œ
Hope he has the will to freeze some of them n space out the consumption...
May Allah SWT bless you always dear son. Love you.❤

A doa without fail for the wellfare of my loved ones. My immediate family, Pa, Ma, my 8 siblings and their families.
Come 25 January, we will be having our annual reunion dinner. All except 2 siblings n famiies who stay oversea, will be exchanging hugs, gifts  and good wishes this time.
Pa and Ma who are over 90 yrs old would be grinning from ear to ear...
Looking forward to that...
May Allah SWT bless our big day n keep all of us safe. Ameen.

0916... Time for breakfast.

Countdown to Year 2020

2127 Tuesday 31 December 2019

Like last year, year before last, year before that.... We travelled up to be with our dear ones..... daughter, Son, daughter-in-laws n grandson.....if son n his family did not go back to the Phillipine.
We preferred to travel rather than ask them to travel.....
Why ?
When they travel, the anxiety is unbearable. 😣😩😩

We started journey around noon.  Stopped to refuel before hitting the highway. Traffic was normal... He tend to speed. Reminded him a few times.
As usual, had lunch at R&R n visited the loo at another.
Called daughter like normal practice....
So, everything seemed normal. Nothing unusual.

Then, 1/3 way to go, he srarted talking about international affairs. Giving his opinion on this and that.  All praise for the neighbour across the strait... The government went right down to business of running the country immediately after winning the election. Not like ours....He kept praising one particular minister, his favourite...
" I think you are more citizen of that country than a Malaysian!!!" I repeated...
We started arguing.....
One thing led to another... Now it is confirmed that he is one of those who believed that our country present predicament is all due to the mismanagenent of former government.....
When I tried to argue, I was accused of being influenced by cybertroupers...🀀
So it was silent all the way till I rested and solat.

Is it worth it who is right and who is wrong ?
After 46 years of togetherness...
Are we going into 2020 being sore at each other over something that is out of our control?
Definitely not...

2343.... Happy new year dear and everybody

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Awakening in December 2019

Monday 09 December 2019

Where have I been the whole of 2018 n the 11 months of 2019 ?πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I have been around the usual places, I have been doing the same things n maìntained almost the same routine day in and day out...
But.....Why did I forget to visit Sikonian ?πŸ€πŸ™„πŸ™ƒ

Preoccupation could be the word.... Preoccupied with what ?

It must be my garden. A garden with thousand plants. Once commented  Mr. Chuah, the plummer,to his wife cum assistant while fixing my garden pipes.
I have to admit, it usually takes an hour or more for me to thoroughly water the whole garden. That goes for fertelizing n weeding...
Destressing by spending time appreciating the beauty of the different blooms... hibiscus, jasmines, adeniums, orchids, plumeria, roses, chempaka telur, jejarum, lavenda, bougainvele .....MasyAllah, Allah beautiful creations. The look, the scent never fail to brighten up my day...❤

The TV dramas take up a chunk of my time. This passion has been with me since my childhood days. Shamelessly, as a small girl, I would be sitting by the neighbour's door to watch the show on their new TV...😁

Face booking is another time consuming hobi. What with the present political situation... The never ending issues that arised from the wanting national political, economic n social condition are so intense n heart breaking. So much so that, hours could pass by without me realizing it...

I am preoccupied 24/7... Yet I am always asked, " Don't you find retirement boring ?" πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

Aside from the above excuses that I could think of to justify why I did not post any entry in Sikonian in 2018 n 11 months  of 2019, I can't help thinking whether it has anything to do with age factor...πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜£
Ya Allah please bless me with good memory for many more years to come. Ameen.