Monday, July 26, 2010

Takdir! Takdir!

The passing of a blogger is sad indeed. But the impending divorce of another is sadder still!

I have been following the two cases for quite some time and was always hoping that the inevitable would never come.

Now that breast cancer has caused a life to be taken away from her loved ones, leaving them to mourn the loss forever. Everyone feels for the family but accepts it as 'takdir'.All extended their condolences,wiped their tears and moved on with their life.

On the other hand, social cancer has caused a 30 years old union to approach the brink of destruction, bringing with it the happiness once cherished and the uncertainty of the future. It is so hurtful to the party concerned But the person hurt most is the one on the receiving end. The children are hurting too but they must always remember not to be judgemental, neither should we, the readers. 'Berat mata memandang,berat lagi bahu memikul!'

"Jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan", goes the saying. Unlike death, divorce involve mortal decisions. Decisions based on affair of the hearts. So before it become 'takdir', there are avenues for changing the course. Let's all say a little prayer. Let not once a loving union come to an end, dear Lord. Ameen

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